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Anyone know how to set the search box in IE8 to Google via group policy?

I think I know where it goes in the group policy:
Within Group Policy Object Editor
User Configuration>Windows Settings>Internet Explorer Maintenance>URLs

But, beyond that, I don't know how to write the sting to use Google. It says the Search Bar must be written in HTML and has some special requirements.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks! :)

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IEAK 8, or 7 for IE 7

Create a custom IE 8 msi and push with group poiicy.

It also gets rid of the IBM/Dell homepage crap, sets default search, favorites etc.

You must create a seperate package for every OS.
Scott Evers said:
IEAK 8, or 7 for IE 7

Create a custom IE 8 msi and push with group poiicy.

It also gets rid of the IBM/Dell homepage crap, sets default search, favorites etc.

You must create a seperate package for every OS.

We've already deployed IE8 via Microsoft Update. We image our machines from scratch, so we thankfully don't have to worry about the IBM/Dell/etc branding stuff. Yuck!

Would this work if we've already installed IE8? I suppose if it installs / reinstalls over the current install, it might cause all the updates/patches to need to be redone as well?

Was hoping to figure out the answer in the inet.res answer file for IE, so we don't have to wait for any installs to happen.
Yes, when you create the package, check the box to create a brand only msi also.

Then just deploy the msi in the BrndOnly folder.

The msi in the flat folder is for new install/upgrades.

The IEAK program is pretty simple.

Also when you first run it, it asks what type, choose corporate intranet or something like that, 3rd option I think.

As far as windows updates install WSUS for those, so simple and it will save bandwidth.
Hey Brian,

I'm just noticing this post now. Did you ever get your IE 8 Group Policy settings figured out?

I saw the idea of creating a new IE msi and as far as I knew it creating an IE msi is considered a big no no. Same with creating Service Pack msi's or even windows media player.

If you wanted you coudl set up a WSUS server to push your IE and service packs and then like you wanted use GP to control.

Considering this was such a long time ago I have to assume you got it figured out though.
Actually, no we never did. We got grumbles from the computer users, that the default search box was Bing, and yet, we block Bing. Microsoft doesn't make it easy to change this at all (for obvious reasons - Use Bing!!).

However, we've finally figured out how to block Bing video and photo search, so now Bing is open, and the search box works. Our filtering software didn't block these searches, even though we specified no video or photo searches.

I'd love to figure out WSUS. My predecessors tried without success, to get that up and running. I'm not sure quite where to start.
Ok... So I was just looking into this and yeah, it's a little more complicated than I thought. Have you seen this article?
Guys just use the IEAK kit, it takes 10 minutes.

Set your default search provider, favorites, home page, get rid of first run crap, etc

Your way over thinking it.

Finally, a solution. I searched a little last night and didn't stumble accross it. Yes this seems like it would be the easiest.

I don't adjust anything in my IE so I've not needed to look into this aspect before.

Hope this works for ya Brian.
Thank you both for your replies. I'm looking into these now. :)
I misunderstood what the IEAK did.

My last question, and I think I'm ready to roll these out.

Since we have a good number of GPOs defined for IE already, rolling out the IEAK customization file - that won't overwrite the GPO we have in place will it?

On my test machine, it appears to be keeping the security features I have in place, but I want to be sure that wasn't just dumb luck.

Thanks for the help so far!

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