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1:1 Device Policies, Insurance and Other related info

Hello everyone,

We will be doing a 1:1 initiative with iPad 4 starting next school year (2013-14).  Since we have picked the device we can do create documents specific to the device but also policies for students to use the device and training. We are also looking into insurance coverage for each device since they will be taken home.  We are considering a "Technology Fee" also for self coverage for repairs or replacement costs.  

We are looking for any documents that have already been created specifically for iPads or any 1:1 device program to help us get this project going on a good start.



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We aren't using iPads, but a copy of our netbook handbook is available through a shared Google Doc here:


We don't charge any additional fees (which is why we are limited to 9-12 grades for our 1:1 - we would either have to budget more for the program or start a fee-based system to expand our 1:1 beyond those grades), but we do offer an optional "Protection Plan" program that costs $25 per machine/per year if families opt-in (about 80% have done that the first two years of our 1:1). Those dollars are then used for repairs on the netbooks, and so far have covered those expenses, but not by a whole lot.


Fillmore Central is moving to 1:1 with Mac Books, and they are looking at three options for families next year. Jeff Thompson can give you more specifics (I only know what I know from a parent's perspective on this because my kiddos and my wife are at Fillmore Central), but it looks like one option with no cost is to only allow a student to use the computer at school, another option is to have a $45 fee for the year and the student can bring the computer home for 24/7 use during the school year, and a third option is to pay on more of a lease program, and the student keeps the computer after four years. Jeff can give more info on what the options will be, though. Jeff also has a 1:1 going at Spring Grove


Stewartville has a similar netbook handbook that Dover-Eyota does (since Loren and I did the work for them when he was still at both districts!), but Stewartville's 1:1 covers nearly all grades since they do have a mandatory fee, plus they also have a Protection Plan. Loren can give you more specifics.


Jeff Oian uses iPads at one of the districts he covers (Grand Meadow, I believe). He may have documents more specific to iPads for 1:1's


Would like to hear the thoughts Caledonia has behind the choice of ipads, costs and fees and usage that you plan on doing as a part of your 1:1. D-E couldn't pull off our 1:1 without using netbooks at a $250-$310 per machine cost since we don't have fees. Does the iPad come to you at reduced costs, or will your fees cover the expenses of the iPads? Are they more expensive than $250-$310 per machine cost, or lower through Apple's program? What will kiddos use for Office-type programs? Testing considerations? All good info!

This is a great resource. They are 1:1 in the 9th this year.

Lake City Master Doc

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