SEMTEC The SE MN preK-12 Technology Coordinators

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SEMTEC Meeting Agenda

Friday, February 1, 2013

Wood Lake Meeting Center

Rochester, MN


9:30 - Welcome

9:35 - opening discussion and updates

  • SSC
  • eRATE
  • Brainstorm Conference
  • Others?

10:00 - Win8 Presentation


11:00 - Updates continued - Discussion topics


11:45 - Lunch (provided)


noon - continued discussion


1:00 - Casper Presentation


2:30 - adjourn

Views: 159

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9:30 - Welcome

9:35 - opening discussion and updates

    • ebook collaborative is in formative stages. More information will be coming out soon.
    • Socrates is puttingtogether a Soc Studies Grade 8 online textbook - $2000 per district to join that - Feb 15th deadline. Jen has that info, Bryan will forward out
    • TEA applications are coming out soon. There are some interpretations that indicate that
    • Bidding for internet service is finalizing through SEMNET
    • Offsite backup still an option for both members and non-members. member price is cheaper
  • SSC
    • Dale wasn't able to join us today
    • Be aware of the Minnesota Rural Education Association ( updates on legislative activity
  • eRATE
    • Deadline for posting 470's to meet 28-day requirements before the eRate window closes for FY 2013 is fast-approaching - see the SLD's eRate website for specifics.
  • MCA's
    • Julie Voice Pack discussion
    • Most districts aren't using them.
    • Cannon Falls did side-by-side comparison and didn't feel that Julie Voice Pack provided much of a difference with the existing text to speech options in windows.
    • Dover-Eyota is installing them on SpEd computers, but not on labs
    • Caledonia has done it on labs
    • Bryan mentioned that his installs have been averaging about 6 or so minutes per computer
    • It has been mentioned that the computer must be used to deliver read text in the MCA's, but other Tech folks mentioned they had not heard of that requirement
    • It was also mentioned that it's out there that the Julie Voice Pack results in better MCA scores. Not sure where that comes from - or if it's true.
  • Brainstorm Conference
  • CoSN Certification
    • Bryan and Jen are considering taking the CoSn test. Others not sure at this point
  • Others?
    • BYOD - Z-M has developed a policy. They are sharing and Bryan will send out a copy
    • Issues with 1:1 - BYOD or school supplied devices, management is an issue
    • Jen mentioned Edina as a good example for working out BYOD policies and procedures (partnership with Best Buy, netbook is $50). Kids take a class, get a sticker for their device, the device is then allowed on the school network, and they are monitored (not sure if they are managed).
    • Smart phones as a BYOD really doesn't work....small devices like a smart phone shouldn't be a primary device....there hould be minimum requirements for screen size, keyboards, etc.
    • BYOD issues - resources have to be platform unspecific....flash video is an issue with some devices, for example.
    • What do you want to do with them? Will teachers know how to manage them? Training? Jen mentioned Byron teachers were unsure how to use BYOD.

10:00 - Win8 Presentation

  • Kevin Sanderson
    • Midwest Regional Manager: Connecting Point
    • PO Box 248
    • 529 N. Monroe Ave
    • Green Bay, WI 54305-0248
    • Cell: 920-360-2102
    • Direct Line: 920-438-0345
    • email:
  • Questions included compatibility with Active Directory (yes, including compatibility with Server 2003), issues with the tiles being the first thing that comes up after logging in (presently, only a 3rd party application for approx $5 per computer, will allow for the "classic" desktop to appear first after a log-in)
  • Imaging should be do-able with built-in backup software, or using the sys-prep method
  • Some questions about the local log-in vs Outlook-based log-in (essentially a Windows Passport login). The Outlook account can be set up using any email (such as gmail) to create it, but then that has to be the login for the device...possible practicality for a 1:1 for students, but not for a lab environment?
  • Pricing available to update XP, Vista or Win7 to Win8. Tools available online to determine if a given computer can run Win8 effectively.
  • Connecting Point also provided information on the "Power Tower" (Storage and Charging Tower for laptops and tablets with custom configurations and colors on volume orders. Contact Kevin if you are interested in more information.


11:00 - Updates continued - Discussion topics

  • More on BYOD discussions


11:45 - Lunch (provided)


noon - continued discussion

  • Jeff talked about how he manages iPads.
    • Uses configurator, but not in the same way that Apple will tell you
    • Jeff provided some documents for how-tos, and Bryan will share.


1:00 - Casper Suite Presentation

  • JAMF Software
  • Specializes in Casper as an iOS management solution and focuses only on Apple management
    • JAMF Software
      301 4th Ave S
      Suite 1075
      Minneapolis, MN 55415-1039

      • Phone: (612) 605-6625
        Support: (612) 216-1296
        Sales: (612) 677-7075
        • (612) 332-9054

2:30 - adjourn


Additional files from the Feb 1 meeting:


Jeff Thompson's iPad management information


Z-M's unofficial (not yet board approved at the time of this posting) BYOD policy


JAMF Contact person:


Jason Busch

Inside Sales Manager

Direct: 612-677-7088

Mobile: 612-849-6050

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