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Wondering what other districts are using out therr for elementary gradebooks. JMC seems to work fine for the grades at the higher levels that assign grades but not so sure about the capabilities for elementary classrooms.

If you aren't using JMC it would be great to hear what you are using.

Thank you.

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Hi Michelle,
Our district just converted to Infinite Campus! Of course this just insn't a gradebook program but also does all the scheduling, grading, ect for our district. It has an amazing communication portal as well. Our parents LOVE the enhancements. I am sure you could call them up and get a demo.

Hi Jen -

Thank you for the info. What software did you have before?

Thanks - Michelle
We are using JMC, Michelle. Works great, except for the 654 hours I spent figuring it out!! I can look at our configuration and get you how we have it set up if you want. Just let me know. Thanks!!

Corey that would be GREAT. Would you also be able to send me a copy of what the ELEM report card looks like once it is printed out or give me the name and number of an office contact person and I'd be happy to contact them too.

Thanks again - 654 hours WOW - glad you put in the leg work on this.... Michelle
you can call Jodi @ our elementary office @ 507.864.7787 x108 and she can tell you how she set it up, i think. 654 hours is a bit on the strong side for time spent...but that's what it felt like!!

Dover-Eyota uses JMC down to grade 4. In K-3, our Elementary teachers use gradebooks of their own design and use NCR (carbon) paper!
I would be interested in how you are doing this as well. We are looking to do something different.
Thank you for all the input. We are going to try using JMC - we have a module already purchased and then we send them the information that we would like to see on the report cards and it will tie into JMC - we are just starting the process and since we already have the module there is no extra cost to have them design this. So we'll keep our fingers crossed and I'll report back as to what the final product turns out to be.
I was going to look into this myself. We have JMC at the elementary school and I just found out that the gradebook is free with our attendance program.
We have a mixed environment. Most of our K-8's use GradeQuick and one K-8 uses Gradekeeper
The high school uses Integrade.

Right now, we are just starting to consider a unified grading software across the district.

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