SEMTEC The SE MN preK-12 Technology Coordinators

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Butch Harves
  • Male
  • Albert Lea, MN
  • United States

Butch Harves's Friends

  • Brian Bartley
  • Jen Hegna
  • Bryan Berg

Butch Harves's Discussions

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Started Feb 4, 2009


Butch Harves's Page

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 9:13am on January 23, 2009, Bryan Berg said…
Did the Law conference help clarify the requirements, or was it more informational (along the lines that they just said that archiving was required, but didn't have specifics on what had to be part of the archive, and for how long)? That's all the vendors have been telling needs to be done, but they don't have the specifics about the what or the how long. Some of what has been discussed is that it hinges on the retention policy (I think you've mentioned that). So maybe it'll all come down to what schools elect to have in their retention policies?
At 8:52am on January 23, 2009, Bryan Berg said…
I'm going to see if anyone at MDE can give us some clear information on all these archiving/document retention requirements. Once we get that info, maybe we can all compare our retention policies against the requirements and what we can/cannot do. Then, once we have that info, we'll all be better able to find a solution that works. I'm finding the same issues as you are. Wonderful software with great features...but I don't know at this point what features I really need to have. I get a feeling sometimes that I'm dealing with snake oil salesmen that are trying to take advantage of a problem that everyone has, but unsure of what it really actually takes to solve the problem. But when the "Heal-All Tonics" are flashed in front of us, we all want to buy it because it "might" solve our problems!

That was quite the analogy, wasn't it?! :-)

I'll see what I can find out. Do you have any good leads for determining who might have those answers at the MDE? I'm not so sure our State Reps would know, though they might be able to find out.
At 12:33am on January 23, 2009, Bryan Berg said…
Butch - I got a call from Ray from the email archiving company that had the webinar this past Wednesday. He called me to tell you that they do provide services for all available versions of Outlook!

Ray wishes to have me take part in the webinar next week, and then he plans to call me on Thursday. If there's anything that you'd lik efor me to ask, let me know, unless you'd lik eto be a part of a Conference Call?

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