SEMTEC The SE MN preK-12 Technology Coordinators

Welcome to SEMTEC! Home of SE MN Educational Technology Leaders!

Once again Apple is offering to schools to take PC's and other approved peripherals for recycling for FREE. Check out the link below to get registered before August 31st 2010.


I have participated in this program for the last 2 years and loved it. We have shipped nearly 15 pallets out over the last 2 years saving us roughly $2,500-$3,000 in disposal fees.


I strongly suggest you register your district. All you need is a minimum of 25 items to participate. If you don't have that much stuff you should consider teaming up with a neighboring district.


We have enjoyed free recycling and are hoping that Apple doesn't ever stop offering this program.


Give it a try.

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Matt, you're the greatest! I was going to see if I could find info about this today! Glad I checked the SEMTEC website first!

To other SEMTEC members - I have also been a part of the Apple recycling program the past couple of years, and it is easy, convienient and FREE!
source of free pallets?
We've always gone to our local Ag shop as they are constantly getting feed and seed on pallets. They will usually give you a couple.

Go to either the Post office, Home Depot, FedEx, or Menards for the plastic wrap. Get the thicker stuff. You'll use less in the end and it'll hold better.

Make sure if you don't have a loading dock or a forklift that you specify when the shipping company calls to send a truck with a lift on it. You really need to specify that if you don't have one of the other two. We don't have either and it's a pain in the butt when shipping companies don't send a truck with a lift.
Thanks, Matt! This couldn't have come at a better time!
We participated in this program last year. They were excellent to work with. Got rid of 35 old pc's and almost 50 CRT's. We actually offer the staff and community the ability to bring in their stuff and send it in with our stuff. Good PR for the District.

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