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Sweet free app for windows to display info for remote support for users

How many times have you walked up to a system in your office and needed to click through several diagnostic windows to remind yourself of important aspects of its configuration, such as its name, IP address, or operating system version? If you manage multiple computers you probably need BGInfo. It automatically displays relevant information about a Windows computer on the desktop's background, such as the computer name, IP address, service pack version, and more. You can edit any field as well as the font and background colors, and can place it in your startup folder so that it runs every boot, or even configure it to display as the background for the logon screen.


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We just started using this, too.  We stored the program on a shared network folder, and have it run as a login script for each user.  We also store the config in the same network folder, so that if we ever need to change the information displayed, it is a simple update to the config file and the very next login displays the new info.

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