SEMTEC The SE MN preK-12 Technology Coordinators

Welcome to SEMTEC! Home of SE MN Educational Technology Leaders!

9:30 - Welcome! Overview of the day's agenda

9:35 - Technology Plans for 2012-2015. Where is everyone at? What does everyone think of the new format? Bryan will provide a couple of finished (and approved) examples from the MDE website.

9:50 - eRate update - Form 470/471 process window opens at noon (ET) January 9th and runs until 11:59PM (ET) March 20th (72 day window). Form 470's can be submitted right now, if you wish, but Form 471's can only be filed after a minimum of 28 days after a 471 (or RFP) is POSTED to the USAC website (first date for postings is Jan 9th). All electronically submitted form Form 470's and RFP's) must be submitted prior to the end of the day on Tuesday Feb 21 in order for it to be posted a minimum of 28 days before filing a Form 471 within the window. Paper submissions of 470's (or RFP's) must be mailed in order for USAC to RECEIVE it by Feb 14th. More Info:

10:00 - SEMNET update from SEMNET's eRate consultant, Fazil. Kim Ross will also be on hand to answer any questions.

10:30 - SSC Update/Legislative Update/SEMNET Update/RAMSP Update, others?

10:45 - TIES Conference review - who all attended? What was good, what wasn't? Upcoming Conferences: Brainstorm 13.0 March 11 - March 13 at Wisconsin Dells....ISTE (used to be called NECC) Conference, which is in San Diego this year, June 24-27. Others?

11:00 - Desktop Virtualization discussion - who's using what, how well is it working, does it work for testing?

11:15 - Additional 1:1 discussions (we had a very interesting and long lasting discussion last meeting that had to be stopped due to some sceduled presentations, is there more that people would like to discuss about 1:1's?

11:30 - Vendor Presention: Dlink Unified Wireless (thanks Scott Evers!). Kevin from Trivad (out of Madison, Wisconsin) is providing the presentation, and also providing lunch - Lunch will be from Roscoe's (BBQ Chicken and Beef sandwhiches and sides) and will include Roscoe's Root Beer. If you'd prefer a different beverage option, the TSSC does have pop vending machines.

1:00 - Continued discussion of anything we didn't get to or finish in the morning. Other topics?

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