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Creating MSI Installer Packages for Group Policy Deployment

Hey Everybody,


Well I've been working for a while to figure out a way to create an MSI installer package that I can use in Group Policy to push software to my workstations.


I haven't perfected the process and I'm currently limited to very simple programs that allow you to copy and paste the C:\Program Files\Program Folder from one location to another but it is working and so far is all I really need.


I've used it to begin deploying the following programs to our workstations:





Check out my site below for the actual details and the pdf with instructions.


Hopefully it is somewhat helpful and if anybody else has figured out a FREE way to create MSI files that is easy and works let me know.



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I agree. I am working on adding a new blog entry with instructions for the EXE to MSI Converter program. Compliments of you. Man, I wish i would have found that version first instead of the free one that pretty much is useless unless you know exactly what arguments to input. The appDeploy still works but is much much harder than this program. Those that error out in EXE to MSI can use AppDeploy.

I just tested a deployment via Group Policy of a GIMP msi I just created and it worked flawlessly.

Thank you for showing me their other version. Works much better.
Glad it is of use to you. We're writing up a purchase request for it now. :)
Don't know if you saw it or not, but:

We offer a discount for educational and non-profit organizations:

* One can get a discount coupon upon sending the details of your organization to us with the contact form.

Even better.
I wonder what the discount is. Let me know when you do it.
Just got a response. Qwertylab provides a 20% discount. Their contact us form is short and simple, and I only provided our website, and my email address as credentials.

I've got my discount code.
Just received the license key.

The 30 day trial software can't be registered. They provide you with another installer, into which you enter your license.

Their online payment center for credit card processing is a bit odd. They actually do phone verification, so you need to be sure to be readily available, or else your order will be held up until you authorize the purchase with them.

Otherwise, pretty decent turnaround.
That's one way to get around piracy I guess. I suppose if you're at a level of trying to create MSI files maybe they expect we're all out to pirate their software.

Let me know if the paid for version is even better than the trial software.
First look at the paid software - not seeing any cosmetic differences. Still am unable to build a silent MSI for CamStudio. There may be additional benefits to the paid version, but none of this info is documented anywhere.
Have you ever been able to get say a Java MSI created?
The Java offline installer, actually drops a MSI payload onto your machine when you install it. Grab the MSI installer via the directions found here:

Then, deploy it as you see fit. :)

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