SEMTEC The SE MN preK-12 Technology Coordinators

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I'm investigating some anti-everything software (antimalware, rootkit, virus, etc.), and had a webinar with thirtyseven4 this morning. Their product looks pretty good. Anyone else have it, use/used it, tried it?? Positives?? Negatives??



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I've went with MS Forefront 2010, I'm liking it. Deployed/Managed using SCCM so its a breeze to manage and installs with zero effort. It's not a resource hog either which is good.


Whatever you use is probably fine. I just like to use mostly MS as they give huge discounts to k12 and it works seamlessly with other MS products.



What kind of pricetag are you seeing for thirtyseven4, or with MS Forefront 2010?
for 300 workstations, admin console, and 8x5 support - $1100-ish. 3 year deal was $2300, awesome price break. not sure what we'll do.
We're looking at Lightspeed for D-E...Kingsland, Chatfield and Stewartville are using it. There have been some bumps in the road from what I've heard, but it's been working well for them overall. Pricing sounds like it was about the same.

Forefront is $3.50/year per FTE with the FTE licensing.


FTE is (full time staff + part-time faculty/3 + part time non teaching/2)


Also Server core $15 per FTE


So for my Le Roy District with a 43 FTE I only have to pay $795.50/year for: Exchange 2010, Forefront 2010, SCCM, server 2008 cals, Sharepoint 2010 for any staff or student accounts/mailboxes and all PC's. Crazy cheap.

I'll probably add Forefront for exchange also as my barracuda spam av updates are going to run out this year and its far cheaper.



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